The plan:
When beginning the development for this project we thought it would be a good idea to break down the game into a series of subsystems. This way we could pre-plan how we wanted certain systems to interact and would also allow for us to catch systems we had yet to think about.
Our group wrote the systems onto a board and then once we had agreed on what we should keep we grouped them into 5 categories.
Here is a list of the groups and subsystems:
- Characters/Worms
- Movement
- Animations
- Game Functions
- Camera
- Level State Machine
- Replays
- Game Stats
- Weapon Crates
- Physics
- Collisions
- Wind
- Gravity
- Terrain
- Terrain Generation
- Terrain Deformation
- Terrain Parallaxing
- Terrain User Loading
- Weapons
- Projectiles
- Grenades
- Aerial
- Miscellaneous
We then roughly assigned people to one of these categories as there were 5 group members. I chose Terrain as my set of systems to work on and so I’ve been planning different ways to tackle the problem. My current Idea is to use a Marching Cube approach however I have yet to see how DirectX works so this is almost certain to change.